Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Jardin du Dragon!

According to Sam this park at La Villette, in the eastern end of the city, is 'rad'.

It's a dragon structure kids (and adults!) can climb into...

Sam climbing into the dragon

...and shoot out the other end!
Sam and Theo at the bottom of the slide!
Theo on the lookout for Sam

The first time they went in, I didn't realize there was a slide at the other end. They reappeared behind me and I admonished them for leaving the park. They had to explain to me it was the dragon's fault!

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Jet Lag

This is what jet lag looks like....

...and this

...and this

We've labeled the soft, fluffy white chairs in the apartment 'Sam's Kryptonite'. Early in the evening during the first week, before we'd realize it, Sam would crawl into one of these chairs and fall asleep. A deep sleep. So deep we could not wake him up! We'd end up carrying him to bed where he would stay asleep...until 5:00 am. At that point he would be fully awake and ready to start the day. Shoot me!

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Making Friends the playground near our apartment. I'm amazed at how open all the kids are to playing with each other, even when they can't understand a word the other one is saying!

Friday, December 18, 2015

Les Bagages!

It took 2 cars, 3 adults and 3 baggage carts to transport all of our life's belongings (at least those we deemed worthy of taking with us) to the ticketing counter at Seatac. The agent there was not happy to see me coming. What was initially six, 40 pound bags turned into eight, 50 lb bags during the last couple days of packing - ugh. This was in addition to the three, 50 lb bags that Matt took with him! I was only able to get all this stuff checked in with the help of my in-laws (thank you Sue and John!) so needless to say I was a little nervous about what would happen on the other side. How was I going to push 400 lbs of luggage from the baggage claim in Paris through French customs by myself while making sure Sam didn't run off somewhere?!

Luckily, if you fly to France via Iceland you somehow get to bypass customs when you arrive in France.... hmm. I highly recommend this option if you are traveling to Europe with a massive amount of luggage! Nevertheless I still had to get all the bags to where Matt was waiting with a driver and van on the other side. Another lucky break was that French luggage carts are much larger than their American counterparts and I could stack everything up onto only two carts - yay! I told Theo I was counting on him to push one of the carts and push he did! Problem was that he couldn't see over the top to steer. So I am walking through the airport, pushing one cart ahead of me while steering the other cart behind me with Theo at the rear and Sam pulling the carry-on suitcase. We were trying hard not to run into anything, which we did...several times. I was literally laughing out loud the entire way as we were such a ridiculous sight to behold that all the people we passed were grinning at us as they checked us out. ;)