Saturday, January 9, 2016

First Day Jitters

Theo was a little excited but mostly nervous to start his first day of school. We all got up early, not knowing for sure how long it would take us to get from our front door to the metro and then to the school. Sam complained loudly at having to wake up 'in the middle of the night' as it's still dark at 7:00 am when the alarm goes off.

Showing lots of enthusiasm for his first day ;)
We get to school in plenty of time, despite the fact that the metro was so packed we had to let a train or two go by before we had the nerve enough to push our way in. After arriving at school we had to squeeze past another mob (this time all the other parents dropping their kids off) and check in with the office. There was a moment of nervousness as Theo was not on the list! Turns out there was a separate list for the Language Immersion program which Theo is in, so no big deal. However, the initial list had 'Sam Cary' on it.

Now, when we inquired in early November as to whether Sam could join the preschool offered at Theo's school, we were told by a couple of different people that there was no more space available, but we could apply to the wait list. So we applied a week later and right away were told that they would have a spot available for him in late January and that we should let them know when we arrived so we (and Sam) could meet the director. Great! That was the last that we heard, until we show up on Monday and find out they are expecting him to start that morning! How so very French - the first time you ask for something, the answer is no; it's too difficult, impossible, etc.. Then you try again, and it's a maybe, a roll of the eyes and a sigh. Then it next time it's 'but of course, by all means!'.

None of us were prepared to have Sam start that morning so we held off until Thursday. I should have checked his horoscope 'cause it turns out Thursday was not a very auspicious day to start.

I don't think Sam wants to go to school

Our apartment is on the ground floor, which generally isn't a big deal except that the windows are all frosted so folks can't see in. Problem is that we can't see much outside and couldn't tell that it was raining. REALLY raining. By the time we arrived at our metro stop Sam's shoes and pants were soaked. If you know Sam well you know that he is one of those kids who is ultra sensitive to physical discomfort. He complains when a sock is bunched up under his shoe, whereas Theo won't even notice if he's wearing socks at all or not.

But Sam, you HAVE to go to school

So to say Sam is very unhappy that his clothes are all wet is an understatement. There are tears (many tears) and lots of loud complaining along the way and I'm fearing a full-on melt down by the time we get on the train. Luckily a kind stranger took pity on us and offered Sam a seat and somehow I was able to talk him down. By the time we arrived at school he was 'happy enough' and walked into his class without any fuss. Whew!


Of course when I picked him up that afternoon he said his day was terrible as he didn't get a turn with some drumsticks and bean bags and he didn't get a sticker for sitting quietly when all kids were supposed to get a sicker if that sat quietly.... I told him some days are like that, even in Australia. That got him to smile. The highlight of Sam's day surprisingly was lunch, where he apparently tried all sorts of new foods. I'm not convinced he wasn't just pulling my leg.

Yay, we are finally going to school!

Theo seems to enjoy his class so far. After a week he's learned a few french words and knows how to count to 12. Not too bad! There are a few kids in his class that speak English and those are the kids he plays with at recess. He misses the playground at Madrona, however, as there is no play equipment of any kind available to them at his new school. They are expected to make up their own games or play marbles. So very Old School!

The next couple of days went better for Sam, although he still complains about having to go to school at all as he doesn't like having to get up in the middle of the night. ;)

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