Thursday, September 7, 2017

La Rentrée! ...otherwise known as Back to School

The nerves were running high in the weeks leading up to school. Theo was just generally nervous about joining the regular French program at school, stern teachers and lots of homework. Sam was nervous about a few things including "all the math", specifically times tables. We tried to reassure him that they don't do multiplication in 1st grade but I don't think he believed us.

Sam was excited, however, to have a brand new cartable (traditional French school bag) with a glossy lightening bolt on the cover. Both boys seemed to forget their nervousness a bit as they sped off on their scooters in the morning, but Matt did notice that Sam slowed down considerably the closer to school we got.


The only reason Theo is so smiley is because he doesn't have to start until 2:15!


Theo ended up having a great day, of course, because all they did in their whopping 2 hour day was organize their massive piles of school supplies (it was pretty insane the amount of things they had to bring). He thought his teacher was really nice and that his French was not as rusty as he originally had feared. Off to a good start!

Sam was not as thrilled with his first day. His teachers were nice but not THAT nice. He couldn't remember how to write the letter 'S' correctly (he seems to favor 'Z') and the girls chased him at recess. He calls these girls his enemies but I try to tell him that one's enemies aren't always trying to kiss you ; )

One of the highlights of Sam's day was finding a feather on the way home.

Rest assured Sam's second day was better and Theo's was just as good.
Then they were both home on Wednesday as if none of it had ever happened. Sigh!