Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Mont Saint-Michel

Years ago Matt and I spent a lovely time in Normandy, and had planned on visiting Mont St. Michel while we were there. As it happened, we ran out of time and didn't make it, even though we were about an hour away! For 12 years it has vexed me that we missed seeing it - we we so close! So for our first trip away from Paris, the Mont was at the top of my list. It was pretty impressive and well worth the wait. It still feels weird that we were able to do this as a weekend trip and not as part of some colossal trip that took months of planning. I don't think it's sunk in yet that we are actually living here ;)

Selfie with Mont St. Michel.
Don't let the drawbridge close on you!

The kids were fairly impressed with the Mont. Sam dubbed it "The Fairy Kingdom" and it inspired lots of sword fighting during the climb up to the abbey.

It was a long climb to the top!

Theo draws his sword.

Some of the favorites included being able to stand upright inside an old fireplace and seeing how supplies were once loaded up into the abbey (by a giant hamster wheel attached to a pulley) when it was made into a prison after the French Revolution.

Room for everyone in the fireplace!

The giant wheel. It took 6 men (prisoners)
to get inside and make the wheel turn.
A long way down.

As impressive as a 1200 year old abbey built on top of a rock in the sea is, it was no match for our next destination....
Yay, we're done!

The alligator farm! Yes, there is an alligator farm just outside Mont St. Michel. I'd say this is pretty random except we see this kind of thing all over the French countryside!

Theo still hasn't learned not to stick his head inside an alligator's mouth.

While I feel like we see a LOT of zoos, I have never before seen one with PILES of alligators and crocodiles. It was a little creepy.

It is best not to fall in here.



  1. So so cool! What a beautiful place, and the alligators are just bonkers! Ha ha! I bet Theo was in heaven! Keep the posts coming :)
