Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Only in France

One of the things Matt and I have always loved about traveling in France is that it is not uncommon to come across things that are quirky, bizarre or just plain weird! Last weekend's outing was one of those times where we just looked at each other and shook our heads We were headed to one of the 3 or 4 museums in the city (at least that I know of) which houses display of taxidermied animals. What do we happen to pass by on our way to such a museum? Nothing less than a store dedicated to....taxidermied animals!

Sam gets a taste of what's to come.

At La Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature (Museum of Hunting and Nature) we saw all sorts of cool things. Guns, gore and everything in between!

The guns. Even Grandpa Shaw
 would be impressed by this collection

The gore. I think the lion is winning.

Everything else! This is just one corner of one room...

My favorite was "the owl room". You step inside a small room and then look up. This is the view from below.

These guys were big! Their heads were the same size as Sam's!

They even had examples of furniture made out of animal parts.

No, you can't sit here.

I didn't think I would be so impressed by a collection of "stuffed" animals. After all, we can see live animals in a zoo, right? But here you can get up close and really get a sense of how big and powerful some of these creatures are.  Even though it was dead, looking into the lion's eyes was intimidating!

Theo prepares for battle.

Sam gets in on the action.

Those claws are BIG!
Even the grownups loved it!

1 comment:

  1. Love your posts! I hope Sam & Theo aren't planning on sparring with a live lion. I remember when Theo was into who would win X v. Y contests - lion v. tiger; crocodile v. elephant etc. We know the outcome if Theo & Sam v. Lion. Not good.
