Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Why the Grocery Store Makes Us Laugh

We are fortunate enough to have a Franprix just 30 seconds from our front door. It's a tiny store but it works!

 Some of what we find on the inside, however, can be a bit strange to us foreigners...

Canned Tripe. Need I say more?
Cheeseburger flavored chips?

I have to wonder who buys this?

Apparently there's not a lot of storage space at the store. When a new shipment of something comes in, it's just left right in the aisles!

After all of my lamenting a few weeks ago about not being able to find bacon at the store, what should appear this week but (practically) an entire row of different kinds of chopped up bacon! 

Bacon Fumées, Lardons Fumées, Allumettes Fumées...Why the different names? They all look like the same thing!

Now this one's no laughing matter. Cassoulet (with duck confit) is one of my favorite French dishes. I like it so much that I might just try it from a can. Someday...

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